Code of Conduct

Petainer Group is committed to an ethical business practice and to make a positive contribution to the environment and society in general. Our ambition is to closely work with our suppliers to obtain the very highest standard of these practices.

This Code of Conduct is based on the general principles such as the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Right, UN Global Compact and International Labour Organization Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Children's Rights and Business Principles.

In addition to meeting the requirements of this Code, all shall comply with national laws and regulations as well as other applicable standards and any other relevant statutory requirements, whichever are more stringent.

Petainer Group adheres to the principles of this Code and no matter where you work or what you do for the Company, you have a responsibility to use good judgement and follow this code.

Petainer Code of Conduct applies to all Suppliers, Contractors, Consultants and other providers of services or goods. It is the responsibility of the Suppliers to ensure that this Code is followed by their Employees, Supply Chain and other parties acting on their behalf.

Human rights

Petainer Group adheres to all international principles, conventions and declarations of human rights. Equal rights and opportunities are promoted within the company.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Have no engagement in or support of discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, caste, national/social origin, property, birth, union affiliation, sexual orientation, health status, family responsibilities, age, and disability or other distinguishing characteristics during recruitment and employment.
  • Respect Employees' right to privacy and integrity.

Working Conditions

Fair working conditions together with a safe work environment are a top priority within the Petainer Group. This is regardless of position or status within the organization. Systematic health and safety work is a natural part of our daily activities. Occupational Health and Safety performance is constantly reviewed and improved to prevent injuries and illness in the workplace, both physical and mental. Internal and external resources are available to ensure that this is achieved.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Ensure that all workers have the right to form and join unions or other associations to bargain collectively.
  • Ensure all Employees have a written employment contract.
  • Ensure that Employees receive at least the legal minimum wage, benefits and are compensated for all hours worked. Employees should not be required to work more than 60 hours a week, including overtime, on a regular basis.
  • Ensure that all Employees will be granted paid holiday, parental leave and sick leave if required.
  • Have no engagement in, or take benefit from, any form of child labour.
  • Have no form of forced labour including bonded labour, nor the use of prison, illegal labour or compulsory agreements.
  • Deduction from wages shall be according to law and/or collective agreements and must never be used as a disciplinary measure.
  • Provide an adequate health and safety policy to state intent and guidelines to steer decisions and reach targets.
  • Employees shall be provided with the necessary protective equipment and safety equipment to perform their tasks safely.
  • All equipment shall be maintained, used and provided free of charge where required. The workplace shall be maintained to protect workers from work-related hazards and ensure good working conditions.
  • Incidents and accidents shall be reported and evaluated with the necessary actions being taken as a result.

Business Ethics

Petainer Group is committed to developing a business focused on innovation and sustainable development. Conducting our business in an ethical and sustainable way is fundamental to our strategy. Petainer Group has a reputation for integrity in its business activities which is central to our relationships with Customers, Employees, Suppliers and local communities.

We strive to maintain the highest standards of Ethical Conduct and Corporate Responsibility.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Have zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption in its worldwide business operations, whether in the public or private sector.
  • Conduct business in an ethical manner.


Sustainability is a cornerstone of our strategy for the future growth of our business and our long-term vision. We are committed to the principles of sustainable development and aim to encourage and work with Suppliers who uphold the same principles as ourselves. To be truly sustainable, our packaging must provide value, be safe and secure and economically effective. As well as meeting consumer needs, ideally it should be capable of being reused and recycled.

The foundation of our environmental work is an ambition to protect the environment using renewable resources in such closed circuits as possible, avoiding the use of environmental pollutants, thereby preventing contamination.

Petainer Group's subsidiaries have implemented an Environmental Management System based on an international standard — ISO 14001.

In the fight against climate change Petainer is committed to strive towards carbon neutrality. We engage in carbon offsetting projects together with external partners. Offsetting carbon emissions, in addition to avoidance and reduction, is an important step towards a carbon neutrality.   We encourage our suppliers to initiate such projects themselves.

Petainer Group strives to minimise the negative environmental impacts of its activities, products and services through a proactive approach and the responsible management of its environmental impact as follows: Innovation; develop sustainable products through design and material choice. Products shall be safe, provide value and be economically effective. Continually explore and assess opportunities to introduce modern technologies and new equipment which will give cost-effective improvements to activities that have an impact on our environmental performance.

Carbon Footprint; proactively work to reduce its direct and indirect carbon footprint throughout the whole supply chain.

Waste-Management; pesticides, chemicals and other hazardous waste are handled in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Work proactively to ensure that no hazardous waste ends up in land, air or water. Implement measures to avoid water pollution by preventing and reducing waste-water. Continuously strive to reduce waste by reusing and recycling resources.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Continuously improve the environmental performance of products and services.
  • Maintain effective policies, processes and procedures to manage their environmental impact and to operate their business in a sustainable way.

Transform Your Packaging with Petainer.

Choose sustainable, high-performance PET solutions designed to reduce waste, lower costs, and protect your products—all while supporting a circular economy. Start your journey today.

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