Plastové Láhve PET
Plastové láhve PET mají čirý průhledný povrch a jsou trvanlivé a odolné proti rozbití. Díky tomu jsou vhodné pro lahve na pivo, lahve na chemikálie, lahve na džusy, lahve na limonády, lahve na vodu atd.
Plast PET (polyetylentereftalát) se často používá v nápojových lahvích, protože je polotuhý, lehký a na jeho výrobu se spotřebuje méně energie než na výrobu jiných řešení. Výzkum ukázal, že hliníkové plechovky i skleněné lahve spotřebují při výrobě více energie.
Plastové lahve Petainer PET splňují nejvyšší průmyslové standardy bezpečnosti, kvality a udržitelnosti.
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Why choose PET Plastic Bottles?
PET (also abbreviated as PETE) is short for polyethylene terephthalate. It is a type of clear, lightweight, strong, shatterproof and 100% recyclable plastic. Unlike other types of plastic, PET plastic is not single-use — it is 100% recyclable, versatile, and is made to be reused.
Global safety approval. PET is approved as safe for contact with foods and beverages by health-safety agencies around the world. It has demonstrated through extensive studies, regulatory approvals, and through its widespread adoption for more than 30 years, that it can be safely used for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and medical applications.
PET, unlike other plastics, does not contain bisphenol-A (BPA) or phthalates (plasticizers).
Sustainable. PET is a highly sustainable packaging material. Using less energy during manufacturing than other alternatives. It’s also extremely lightweight, strong and durable, allowing for more products to be packaged using less material. Further lowers carbon emissions through less fuel usage.
Its sustainability is further boosted when recycling is introduced.
Recyclable. PET is near-infinitely recyclable (link — rPET), lowering the need for fresh PET to be made, further reducing emissions. In fact, recycled PET products show a drop of up to 90% in CO2 emissions compared with virgin PET.
Its high recyclability also makes it less likely to end up in a landfill, making it the most recycled plastic packaging material in the world.
In the 60 years since PET was first synthesized, it has become one of the world's most widely used, adaptable and trusted materials.